


1150 Gardiners Road, Kingston, ON

“Your Success Is Our Happy Place. We All Win!”


We had heard that one of our Production Partners was experiencing new growth in his business and wondered when the trickle-down effect would hit our team. A few months had passed, and nothing was coming our way, so we presumed that what we were producing was meeting his needs.

Next thing you know, we got a last-minute call with a request resulting in a massive spike to his regular order, and he needed it asap! Now, one thing we know is that a good machinist understands & strives for continuous improvement. So our team sat down for a joint brainstorming session to determine the best approach while maintaining our other Production Partners schedules and deliverables. At this meeting, one of our machinists came up with the idea that reduced the cycle time by a whopping 25%.

Not only were the savings passed on to our customer, but everyone’s schedules were maintained without a hitch.